Knowledge is Power. Be Powerful.
Get Your Questions Answered.

Treatment side effects
Long term effects of treatments
Nutritional supplements
Exercise, diet and lifestyle
Complimentary treatments
Treatment facilities abroad
Alternative treatments
End of life choices
Hospice care
Family support
General counselling
Support groups
Palliative care
Cancer statistics
Mental and emotional health
Information can help clients feel more in control of their disease, reduce anxiety, create realistic expectations, and promote self-care and engagement in their care.

SHR provides a comprehensive, individualized package of evidence-based information. We search out and utilize the most respected sources of information and present the answers to our client's questions in a clear understandable way. Clients are provided with the information they request quickly and efficiently. Assistance from SHR is available upon request to review and expand on the information provided.
Having comprehensive, accurate information enables clients to take back control, to feel less scared and anxious. It provides the tools required to help the client feel confident in making their treatment choices, lifestyle choices and health management choices.